Research Facilities & Centers

The Department of Molecular and Cell Biology is housed in six buildings: Barker Hall, Donner Laboratory, Koshland Hall, the Li Ka Shing Center, Weill Hall, and Stanley Hall. These building have many shared core facilities. In addition, the following specialized facilities are available to researchers.

Mass Spec, Molecular Analyses and Protein Preparation

  • QB3 MacroLab
    Offers automated gene cloning, protein expression, protein purification, and crystallography. In addition to these services, MacroLab can provide reagents such as competent cells.

    Interim Facility Director: Chris Jeans
  • QB3/Chemistry Mass Spectrometry Facility
    Provides routine acquisition of mass spectra and accurate mass measurements of biological, organic, and inorganic compounds, as well as mass measurements of intact proteins, lipids, oligosaccharides, and non-covalent protein-protein and protein-ligand complexes and supramolecular coordination clusters. The facility also provides advanced proteomics analysis and operates an open access laboratory.

    Lab Manager: Ulla Andersen
  • Vincent J. Coates Proteomics/Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
    Provides comprehensive proteomics services using mass spectrometry, determining the protein contents of samples as simple as gel bands or as complicated as whole cell extracts. The facility provides identification of posttranslational modifications and relative quantitation as well as consultation regarding sample preparation and experimental design.

    Director: Rob Maxwell
  • Central California 900 MHz NMR Facility
    Promotes the understanding of the structures and dynamics of natural products, potential therapeutics, proteins, and nucleic acids at the atomic level. Instruments include a 900 MHz spectrometer equipped with a cryoprobe, along with several other NMR systems.

    Facility Manager: Jeff Pelton
  • Center for Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
    Accepts organic, soil, water, and air samples for analysis of stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, oxygen and hydrogen at natural abundance.

    Operations Manager and Spectroscopist: Wenbo Yang

Cellular Analysis

  • Flow Cytometry (part of the Cancer Research Lab)
    Provides Berkeley and local researchers with access to cutting-edge flow cytometry instruments and expertise.

    Flow Cytometry Lab in 491 Weill Hall
    Manager: Hector Nolla

    Flow Cytometry Lab in 461 LKS
    Manager: Hector Nolla
  • QB3 Cell & Tissue Analysis Facility
    Provides the cell culture equipment and instrumentation needed to grow and assess stem cells from flow cytometry to automated epifluorescence, confocal, and multiphoton imaging.

    SSCF-HTSF Facility Manager: Mary West 
  • High Throughput Screening Facility
    Provides access to cell culturing space, automated liquid handling, automated plate reader and high-throughput, high-content microscopy instrumentation for screening experiments, along with tools for analysis and data visualization. Emphasis is on whole genome and sub-library siRNA screening from various sources but other high-throughput fluidics projects are welcome.

    HTSF Manager: Pingping He


  • Molecular Imaging Center (part of the Cancer Research Lab)
    A state-of-the-art light microscopy facility specializing in live cell and live whole specimen imaging, confocal microscopy, multi-photon imaging, fluorescent lifetime imaging (FLIM), super resolution, light-sheet microscopy, spinning disk confocal microscopy, and equipment for optogenetic studies.

    Facility Manager: Holly Aaron
  • Electron Microscope Lab
    Provides EM services to the Berkeley campus and the academic community at large. The EML houses both TEMs and SEMs and provides three types of service: (1) education and training, (2) equipment for trained users, and (3) full service microscopy for pilot studies. The EML specializes in cryopreservation via HPF/FS. All services are available to anyone with an interest in electron microscopy: graduate and undergraduate students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, staff, and non-UC users.

    Director: Danielle Jorgens
  • Biomolecular Nanotechnology Center
    A fabrication and experimentation facility specializing in BioMEMS and microfluidic devices, offering lithography, deposition, etching, metrology, and microscopy equipment and facilities for biological experimentation. Instruments include a FEI FIB (Focused Ion Beam) Quanta, a NanoFab FIB, and several SEMs. The BNC also houses instructional labs and is adjacent to QB3 incubator space.

    Managing Director: Paul Lum
  • The Biological Imaging Facility
    Specializes in Widefield, Confocal, Deconvolution and Super-Resolution fluorescence microscopy (SIM, PALM, TIRF).

    Director: Steven Ruzin

DNA Analysis and High-Throughput Screening

  • DNA Sequencing - Sanger Sequencing of DNA samples
    Serves all UC affiliated laboratories, government agencies and businesses providing Sanger sequencing, genotyping, high-throughput nucleic acid purification/quantification, PCR reaction cleanup, PCR products size selection, human cell line authentication, and free consultation services. Open access instruments include: BioRad CFX96 Touch Real Time PCR system, BioRad QX200 Droplet Digital PCR System, and 150L New Brunswick BioFlo Fermentor.

    Facility Manager: Hitomi Asahara
  • Vincent J. Coates Genomics Sequencing Laboratory
    Provides massively parallel DNA sequencing on Illumina's HiSeq2500/2000 platforms and on Ion Torrent's Proton System, MiSeq sequencing, Illumina Array Services on the HiScan, and Biospecimen processing. Additional services include Illumina or Ion Torrent compatible Library Preparations, and quality control services including the Qubit, Bioanalyzer, and qPCR assay.

    Facility Director: Shana Mcdevitt
  • High Throughput Screening Facility
    Provides access to cell culturing space, automated liquid handling, automated plate reader and high-throughput, high-content microscopy instrumentation for screening experiments, along with tools for analysis and data visualization. Emphasis is on whole genome and sub-library siRNA screening from various sources but other high-throughput fluidics projects are welcome.

    HTSF Manager: Pingping He
  • Functional Genomics Laboratory
    Conducts research in functional genomics, specializing in the fabrication, use, and analysis of DNA microarrays for large-scale gene expression profiling and genetic profiling, and providing full services for Affymetrix GeneChip arrays and Agilent DNA microarrays.

    Facility Manager: Yoon Gi (Justin) Choi
  • UCB Drug Discovery Center
    Provides access to ~200000 small molecule chemical library, including approved drugs, bioactive compounds; state of the art compound sample management, compound cherry-picking and dilution services; we provide cell culturing space, automated liquid handling, automated plate reader and high-throughput, high-content microscopy instrumentation for small molecule screening experiments, along with tools for analysis and data visualization. Emphasis is on small molecule drug discovery, tool compound development, preclinical development, securing IP and and supporting translational efforts / startup formation.

    DDC Director: Julia Schaletzky (

Genetic Manipulation

  • Gene Targeting Facility (part of the Cancer Research Lab)
    This facility has generated hundreds of transgenic mice and made numerous gene-targeted mice. Recently the facility has shifted to using Cas9/CRISPR-mediated gene targeting as this offers the ability to produce gene-targeted mice with unprecedented speed and ease.

    Director: Angus Lee


  • Computational Genomics Resource Laboratory
    This facility is for researchers who use next-generation genomic sequencing. It provides computational infrastructure, technical expertise, workshops, and training in experimental design and data analysis. Staff provide free consultation and analyses for NGS data.


Cell Culture and Organism Support

  • Cell Culture Facility
    Provides cell cultures, media, supplies and expertise on a recharge basis for more than 40 different laboratories on and off the main campus. Provides cell cultures for researchers to take to their labs for experiements, media and materials for checkout, and also allows use of laminar flow hoods, incubators and microscope for researchers who are using cells provided by the facility (on site).

    Scientific Recharge Facilities Manager: Alison Killilea
  • Media Preparation Facility
    Provides bacterial, yeast, C. elegans (worms) and Drosophila media on a recharge basis to over 20 labs on campus and at LBNL.

    Scientific Recharge Facilities Manager: Alison Killilea
  • Fly Food Facility
    Provides Drosophila food on a recharge basis to over 20 labs on campus and at LBNL. Food is dispensed to narrow polystyrene or wide resin vials, and to 60z. or 8 oz. polypropylene bottles.

    Scientific Recharge Facilities Manager: Alison Killilea
  • On-Call Glassware Washing
    On-Call Glass Washers/Laboratory Helpers are deployed to five buildings across campus on a recharge basis to replace career Laboratory Assistants who are on leave or vacation.

    Scientific Recharge Facilities Manager: Alison Killilea
  • QB3 MacroLab
    Offers automated gene cloning, protein expression, protein purification, and crystallography. In addition to these services, MacroLab can provide reagents such as competent cells.

    Interim Facility Director: Chris Jeans

Drug Discovery, Therapeutics Development

  • UCB Drug Discovery Center
    Provides access to ~200000 small molecule chemical library, including approved drugs, bioactive compounds; state of the art compound sample management, compound cherry-picking and dilution services; we provide cell culturing space, automated liquid handling, automated plate reader and high-throughput, high-content microscopy instrumentation for small molecule screening experiments, along with tools for analysis and data visualization. Emphasis is on small molecule drug discovery, tool compound development, preclinical development, securing IP and and supporting translational efforts / startup formation.

    DDC Director: Julia Schaletzky (