MCB Honors Timeline

Honors Awards Deadlines and Events

Fall 2024 Deadlines

Friday, September 13
FINAL DEADLINE for you to submit your application for H196A or H196B. See directions on how to apply for MCB H196A or MCB H196B here
Friday, Oct 25 Registration and presentation upload opened for Fall poster session. Link to be emailed out. 
Monday, Nov 25, 8am
Deadline for registration and presentation upload for poster session presenters.
Monday, December 9 (RRR Week)
Fall Senior Research Poster Session (In Person)
(Fall MCB H196B only)
Friday, December 20
Honors Thesis Approval Form and Thesis Paper due to Clara Ng-Quinn (Fall MCB H196B only). Virtual submission instructions will be emailed. 

Spring 2025 Deadlines

Friday, February 7
FINAL DEADLINE for you to apply for H196A or H196B. See directions on how to apply for MCB H196A or MCB H196B here
Tuesday, February 18
Abstract submission and registration OPENED for honors symposia and the poster session. Abstract word limit: 300 maximum
Monday, March 31
Abstract and registration deadline for symposium and poster session. Applications must be submitted online. Abstract word limit: 300 maximum. CDP students who submit by this date will not be considered for their emphasis symposium. 
Tuesday, April 8 The UAO will inform all of you who considered for the symposia the results. Those of you who are not selected for the symposium will present at the Honors Poster Session. 
Monday, April 21, 4pm
Letter of recommendations from PI due by 4 pm:  Email to:
Resume or CV from student due by 4pm: submit to google form (Clara will send in future)
Tuesday, May 6

12-5pm, IB/MCB Conference Day

All emphasis symposium presentations AND Poster Session will take place on the same day. Schedule to be announced. 

 Friday, May 9

Recommended deadline to turn in your completed thesis to your PI and your MCB faculty sponsor. Note that you do not need to turn in a copy to the UAO by this date (see next deadline).
Friday, May 16
Final deadline to turn in your completed thesis and Honors Thesis Approval Form due to Clara Ng-Quinn, via google form (link emailed out)
To be announced
Announcement of award recipients at the Undergraduate Commencement